Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Film Locker #12: Roman Polanski

Apologies for a another week with no content, but between Simon's French adventures, and my work launching a new website, it was a bad choice of week to close up shop on Series One.

However, I'm happy to report that we're signing off with a high note since episode 12 brought about some of the best conversation Simon and I have had all summer long. So without further ado, I give you the Series One Finale - The Roman Polanski episode with feature conversation on his 1975 classic, CHINATOWN.

If you've come with us this far, and enjoyed what we've offered up this summer, perhaps you'd be so kind as to spread the word. The Film Locker was designed as a capsule, so rather than finding out about a podcast and realizing that there are dozens or hundreds of back episodes to dig through, that a new listener could have something being handed a twelve-episode HBO series on dvd.

(Not that we fancy ourselves akin to The Sopranos...though in our more deluded moments, we do tangent into Wire-like delusions of grandeur).

One last thing, this show has gone far better than we thought it might (we swore we'd have only two listeners) to everybody who gave us six minutes or six hours, thank you and check back now and then for news on series two.

As usual, it is already up on itunes and can be found easily on podomatic - so, please do try and write reviews and support us if you can! We have the ol' RSS feed and 2.0 RSS and, if you link in different ways, we also have it on Google and Yahoo

Large Association of Movie Blogs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One last thing, this show has gone far better than we thought it might (we swore we'd have only two listeners) to everybody who gave us six minutes or six hours, thank you and check back now and then for news on series two.
