Friday, June 24, 2011

Further On Up The Road (Looking Towards Episode 4)

It appears that the reading material to support Cronenberg is limited between Hatter and I - with only a review of Eastern Promises each to support. I can guarantee that after Saturday's episode, we should be posting one-a-day for coverage on our directorial choice this week...

C: You don't have to do this.
A: [smiles] People always say the same thing. 

C: What do they say?
A: They say, "You don't have to do this." 

C: You don't. 
A: Okay.
[A flips a coin and covers it with his hand]
A: This is the best I can do. Call it. 

C: I knowed you was crazy when I saw you sitting there. I knowed exactly what was in store for me. 
A: Call it.
C: No. I ain't gonna call it.
A: Call it.
C: The coin don't have no say. It's just you.

A: Well, I got here the same way the coin did.

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