Thursday, July 21, 2011

Further On Up the Road (Looking Towards Episode 8)

In some ways, I'm sorry to see this week end as Fincher seemed to be our most popular episode yet (take that declaration with a grain of salt). But time marches on and this week we move into the final quarter of the series.

Some clues about who we'll be talking about this weekend...

DC: You recognize the MO?

VH: M.O.? Is that they're good... Once it escalated into a murder one beef for all of 'em after they killed the first two guards, they didn't hesitate. Pop guard number three because... what difference does it make? Why leave a living witness? Drop of a hat these guys will rock and roll...

1 comment:

  1. Ah Michael Mann? A bit surprised by that one. I was hoping for a Friday the 13th special. =)
